Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Recommended Reading

Before I share my list of books I've read during the school year...

I thought I'd share some of my reading "wishlist" for this summer!

The New York Times put out this list of what appears to be nonfiction this past week, and I really want to read every book on this list.

NYT has many such lists, like this "Refreshing Reads" list that includes serious and funny books--again, many of which are nonfiction!

I'm also using the audio sync free teen audiobooks this summer. This pairs books, often a work for fiction and a work of non-fiction, and you can't beat the price! I've already started reading When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon, and the readers are fantastic, which is keeping me engaged in this romance, which anyone who knows me knows is my least favorite genre. (The spin of the arranged marriage element is keeping me hooked!)
For those who want to read more Young Adult fiction, this seems like an interesting list. It includes some works by tried and true authors that never disappoint their fans!

I also have a stack of books for the beach, which tends to wear down my kindle app, such as Manhattan Beach, which I'm 1/3 done with, and some professional reading about fostering a love of reading--and more!

I'll post soon to give my recommendations regarding the books I've read this year, but I hope this list inspires people to make their own "to be read" lists for the summer!